One Thousand Roses And A Lot Of Pain – New EP – Out Now
Yes, this is a new version of the Evil Masquerade song with the same name. But that's where the similarities end. This...
Yes, this is a new version of the Evil Masquerade song with the same name. But that's where the similarities end. This...
So who's up for some dark retro adventures? Rise Again is a brief capture of the present, wrapped in vintage keyboards and...
This EP basically wrote itself. The title track was born on my birthday. Both the music and the message are...
With the EP 'Thorns' I make a snapshot of my current self. The vast amount of darkness is exhausting. But when I look into its serpent eye...
I was invited to talk a little bit about my PE-1500 Aria Pro II for Guitar World's 4 page special about Aria Guitars....
Many people asked for it. Now it's here. It’s the same sonic landscape. Transcending deeper into the original dream...
Whether this EP sounds like a movie soundtrack or something completely different is up to you to decide...
6 short and airy orchestral pieces that were written in the order they appear. A peaceful break from the madness...
An oddly orchestrated waltz and a track with every imaginable time signature, constantly changing throughout the song, aren't exactly...
The Creatures Of The Night show, hosted by Radio Metal Warriors Peru, is doing a special feature of my solo releases on Tuesday, March 21...