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The Shadow Forum

The ForumLast post
The RulesAll forums have rules. These are different.2 Topics · 2 PostsLast post: What Is Allowed? · 4 years ago · Henrik
FeedbackIs everything alright? Do you miss anything? Inputs are always welcome.0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Introduce YourselfShare something about who you are... or just say hello.7 Topics · 43 PostsLast post: Hi there!/Hola! · 3 years ago · Schmetterling ER
The MusicLast post
Henrik FlymanThe solo project.29 Topics · 62 PostsLast post: The Embrace · 4 weeks ago · Henrik
LacrimosaFrom Henrik's point-of-view.3 Topics · 34 PostsLast post: Random photos from the archives · 1 year ago · Henrik
Evil MasqueradeTalk about the music, the past, the future... or anything you see fit.2 Topics · 21 PostsLast post: Cool, Odd & Creative Fan Stuff · 3 years ago · Henrik
Different Shades Of DiscussionLast post
Share Your Skills & TalentsArt, music, poetry, animation, belly dancing, moon walking, screaming loudly into a pillow... or something else.5 Topics · 182 PostsLast post: My music · 1 week ago · Jeanne Dark
Spiritual, Meditative, Therapeutic And MindfulLet your inner voice decide what to share here.4 Topics · 120 PostsLast post: Meditation? · 2 years ago · Kitty
Recommend Someone We Should Know AboutFamous or unknown. Legend or mayfly. It can be anyone. Just tell us why.7 Topics · 68 PostsLast post: Poets and poetry that you liked 🙂 · 2 years ago · Schmetterling ER
Anything GoesIf it doesn't fit anywhere else, this is the place.11 Topics · 124 PostsLast post: Apocalypse · 2 years ago · Jeanne Dark
Henrik's Tiny CornerLast post
Updates & ThoughtsNot quite a blog.21 Topics · 101 PostsLast post: The Shadow Family · 6 months ago · Henrik